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Calmness in the Storm 2.0 – Corona and beyond

Past Sessions
Tuesday, 27 October, 2020 9 Cheshvan 5781 - 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Zoom
Wednesday, 21 October, 2020 3 Cheshvan 5781 - 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM - Zoom


With the stress and tensions of COVID isolations and social distancing continuing longer than expected and the second wave upon us, extra tools to deal with stress and related mental and physical health are getting more important.

Psychosocial immunology recognizes how the state of our mind affects our immunity. Though we are practicing physical social distancing, our thoughts, and emotions, as always, continue to influence each other. Taking care of our personal stress responses helps the world.

Experience the impact of simple tools aimed to keep us balanced and flowing regardless of the storms outside. The program is experiential and includes a guided meditation, and hopes to cover:

  • Exercises to address screen fatigue
  • Experiencing connections of Mind and Breath
  • The vibration of Shalom, inside and out
  • 4 Sources of Energy for wellbeing
  • Guided meditation - the Worlds within and peace

Breath and its power to heal and change our well-being is under study and better understood as research is showing, and documented in The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor “No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, non if it matters if you’re not breathing properly.” --

In this Harvard Business Review article, the authors report how breathing techniques make it possible to gain some mastery over our mind, improving calmness, positive emotions, and mental health --

Yoga helps re-harmonizes mind, body and spirit, and has the aim to overcome sorrow. Meditation brings awareness and relaxation, and happiness.

Debra Eklove is a teacher of Ayurveda – the Science of well-being, the mother of Chinese medicine. Tools include nutrition, yoga, breathwork and meditation

“For years I have used various breath and meditation tools and technique to help me through challenging times, big and small. They change the way the mind and body stress. It is my pleasure to share time-tested tools for overcoming stress and worry, improving outlook and positive mental health.”

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace within it.”


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